Switching to Main Session

After switching to Session 0, the Zero Task Tray is displayed at the bottom of the screen. You can double click on the FireDaemon Zero icon in the top-left corner of the tray to return to the user's normal logged-in session. 

Alternatively, if a time is set for the return to the main session after a period of inactivity, the countdown to an automatic return displays at the top of the screen. If this time runs out, you will automatically be returned to your main session.

Viewing Applications in Session 0

Applications appear in the notification area at the top of the screen.

The FireDaemon Zero Tray app at the bottom of the screen displays the list of applications that are currently displayed on Session 0. Click the down-arrow icon at the left edge to minimize the taskbar and applications list. Click on any of the applications listed in the taskbar to restore that application’s window and bring it to the front of the notification area. The list of applications contains three pieces of information:

  • Application icon
  • Service name (this is the name of the parent service where the SID Type = unrestricted or restricted, otherwise, the parent service will name be blank)
  • Application name as taken from the application's window title.

FireDaemon Zero Session 0 Tray Menu

Right-click on the FireDaemon Zero icon to see the FireDaemon Zero popup menu.

The following table runs through the actions that can be performed.

Revert from Session 0Returns the user to their main session immediately. This can also be accomplished by double-clicking the FireDaemon Zero icon.
Launch Command PromptOpens a Command Prompt window.
Launch PowerShell PromptOpens a PowerShell Prompt window.
Launch elevated Command PromptOpens a Command Prompt window running as Administrator.
Launch elevated PowerShell PromptOpens a PowerShell Prompt window running as Administrator.
Save Screenshot As...Takes a screenshot of Session 0 and saves it to Public User’s Public Pictures.
Refresh ScreenRefreshes Session 0.
Licensed ToShows the license status. If on a trial, it shows the days remaining on the trial. If licensed, the details of the license display.

Opens a dialog that displays information about FireDaemon Zero. The following information can be found here.

  • About: Displays the product version information.

  • Credits: Displays the third-party software components and libraries that are incorporated into FireDaemon Zero.

Global OptionsOpens the Global Options dialog to configure FireDaemon Zero. For more details, visit Global Options Configuration.