Legacy Guides
This folder contains guides that are obsolete. Contains applications that are no longer available or supported or the application just does not run as a Windows service.
TrackMania 2 is a racing video game. It is available in three separate environments -- TrackMania 2: Canyon, TrackMania 2: Stadium, and TrackMania 2: Valle...
Fri, 30 Oct, 2020 at 6:11 AM
Unreal Tournament 3 is a first person action game. The dedicated server component can be run as a Windows service using FireDaemon Pro, which allows ...
Sun, 8 Nov, 2020 at 9:24 AM
Urban Terror is a free first person shooter game. The dedicated server component can be run as a Windows Service using FireDaemon Pro, which lets yo...
Tue, 23 Aug, 2016 at 10:29 AM
Zombie Panic Source is a first person action game. The dedicated server component can be run as a Windows Service using FireDaemon Pro, which allows...
Tue, 23 Aug, 2016 at 10:42 AM