How to run V Rising Dedicated Server as a Windows Service with FireDaemon Pro

V Rising



V Rising is a settlement-building and survival game set in an open world. You can set up and run the V Rising Dedicated Server component as a Windows service with FireDaemon Pro. You can also use FireDaemon Pro to schedule updates to the dedicated server.

Download, Install, and Update SteamCMD

Download SteamCMD. Unpack the contents of the ZIP file into C:\SteamCMD. Then open an elevated Command Prompt (WIN+X and choose Command Prompt (Admin) or Terminal (Admin)), then copy / paste:

cd /D C:\SteamCMD
:: This updates SteamCMD
.\steamcmd +quit

Download and V Rising Dedicated Server

At the same Command Prompt, copy / paste the following to download and install V Rising Dedicated Server. The dedicated server is installed into C:\SteamCMD\steamapps\common\VRisingDedicatedServer:

:: This command downloads the V Rising Dedicated Server component from Steam
.\steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 1829350 validate +quit

Download and Install DirectX

Download and install DirectX End-User Runtime from Microsoft.

Download, Install, and Run FireDaemon Pro

Download and install FireDaemon Pro. Once the installation has been completed, double-click the FireDaemon Pro icon on your desktop to launch the FireDaemon Pro GUI.

Setup the V Rising Dedicated Server FireDaemon Pro Windows Service

In the FireDaemon Pro GUI type Ctrl+N to create a new service per the screenshot below then click the "tick" button to install the service. The FireDaemon Pro services will be installed and the V Rising Dedicated Server should now be running.

FireDaemon Pro Program tab showing V Rising Dedicated Server settings

Service NameV Rising Dedicated Server
Display NameV Rising Dedicated Server
Startup TypeAutomatic (Delayed Start)
Working DirectoryC:\SteamCMD\steamapps\common\VRisingDedicatedServer
Parameters-persistentDataPath .\save-data -serverName "My V Rising Server" -saveName "world1" -logFile ".\logs\VRisingServer.log" -port 27030 -queryport 27016 -address <aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd>

Change <aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> to your preferred IP address assigned to your computer

Please refer to the complete list of V Rising Dedicated Server command line options.
TypeAlways Running Program

V Rising Dedicated Server Configuration File Placement

The developers of V Rising recommend that you do not update the default JSON configuration files (ServerGameSettings.json and ServerHostSettings.json) installed in C:\SteamCMD\steamapps\common\VRisingDedicatedServer\VRisingServer_Data\StreamingAssets\Settings. Instead, make a copy of the two configuration files and place them in a location defined by the -persistentDataPath argument. This avoids:

  1.  Having the two configuration files being overwritten during game server update
  2.  Sharing the configuration files between multiple game servers being run on the same computer.

Setup a Scheduled FireDaemon Pro Service to Update V Rising Dedicated Server

Create a batch file called UpdateVRising.cmd in the folder C:\SteamCMD\steamapps\common\VRisingDedicatedServer containing the following lines:

@echo off

:: Stop the FireDaemon Pro service
sc stop "V Rising Dedicated Server"

:: Change directory to SteamCMD
cd /D C:\SteamCMD

:: Update the dedicated server
.\steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 1829350 validate +quit

:: Start the FireDaemon Pro service
sc start "V Rising Dedicated Server"

Open the FireDaemon Pro GUI. Type Ctrl+N to create a new service as follows:

FireDaemon Pro Program tab showing Update V Rising Dedicated Server settings

Service NameUpdate V Rising Dedicated Server
Display NameUpdate V Rising Dedicated Server
Startup TypeAutomatic (Delayed Start)
Working DirectoryC:\SteamCMD\steamapps\common\VRisingDedicatedServer
TypeSelf Completing Task

Then create a schedule via the FireDaemon Pro Scheduling tab per the screenshot below to update V Rising Dedicated Server. Click the "+" button to create a new schedule. Note that your dedicated server will be shut down for the duration of the update. Change the Start Time of the schedule to a time that suits you. You can also create multiple schedules. Click the "tick" button, the service will be installed, and the batch file will be scheduled to be run at the time nominated in the schedule.

FireDaemon Pro Scheduling tab showing Update V Rising Dedicated Server settings

And that's it! You should now have two FireDaemon Pro services setup and running. One runs the V Rising Dedicated Server, the second runs the update script periodically. Your FireDaemon Pro GUI should look similar to the following once both services are installed:

FireDaemon Pro showing V Rising Dedicated Server and Update V Rising Dedicated Server Windows services