All users, including administrators, can view and change their account settings through the My Account area of the FireDaemon Fusion. 

My Account

Note: The user's current password must be successfully entered in order to change any of the user's settings. If a user wishes to change their password, then they must enter their new password twice in the New Password and Confirm new Password fields.

UsernameThe user ID assigned to the user.

This is a mandatory field. Only administrators can change the username setting.
First NameThe first name of the user.

This is visible only to the user and to administrators.
Last NameThe last name of the user.

This is visible only to the user and to administrators.
Current PasswordThe user's current password.

This field must be entered to save any changes.
New PasswordThe user's new password.

This field is only used if a user's password is to be changed. Otherwise, it may be left blank.
Confirm new PasswordRe-enter the user's new password here to confirm the value.

This field is only used if a user's password is to be changed.
TitleThe title of the user within the organization.

This is visible only to the user and to administrators.
E-mailThe email address of the user.

This is visible only to the user and to administrators.
Mobile NumberThe mobile number of the user.

This is visible only to the user and to administrators.
Office NumberThe office contact number of the user.

This is visible only to the user and to administrators.