The FireDaemon Fusion user interface is designed and developed in a simple manner so that users can easily manage FireDaemon Pro and Windows system services.

Main Interface

The following section details the layout of the home page of FireDaemon Fusion.

The following table explains the function of each section, as identified by callouts on the image above.

Callout No.Description
1 & 2List of local and remote systems (nodes) that are known to this FireDaemon Fusion instance.

FireDaemon Fusion can view and manage any system on this list. Simply click on a system name to display and manage that system's services. The selected system can also be shut down or restarted using the adjacent popup menu.

This list can include any external or remote system in any network location, provided that it can be accessed from the local FireDaemon Fusion system.

This section is visible on every FireDaemon Fusion page.

3This button group controls the view that is displayed in the FireDaemon Fusion main panel

The following views are available: 
  • Quick Overview: View a high-level summary of FireDaemon Services, System Services, Active Processes, and Active User Sessions, in a dashboard format. For more information, see Dashboard - Quick View.

  • FireDaemon Services: View or manage the FireDaemon services controlled by FireDaemon Fusion. This is the default view when FireDaemon Fusion starts. For more information, see FireDaemon Fusion Services.

  •  Windows System Services: View or manage the Windows services that are not controlled by FireDaemon Fusion. For more information, see Windows System Services.

  • Manage Users: View or manage the FireDaemon Fusion user accounts and their security settings. For more information, see Managing Users.

  • Settings: View or manage the configuration settings for FireDaemon Fusion. For more information, see FireDaemon Fusion Settings.

  • System Information: View the system information of the system on which FireDaemon Fusion is running. For more information, see System Information.
4Options Menu.

For more information, see Options Menu.
5Refresh FireDaemon Fusion View.

Click this button to view the updated information about the services listed in the FireDaemon Fusion main panel.
6The navigation path of the currently open page.
7Buttons to create new services and to manage existing services.

For more information, see FireDaemon Fusion Services.
8Option to search for the required service.

In the Search field, enter a search string to find and view matching services.
9Details about the FireDaemon Fusion services.

For more information, see Service Details.
10Select the number of services to be displayed on one page.
11Opens the FireDaemon Help Center page. Use this to access technical resources and support services.
12The logged-in user section.

This contains the following menu options:

Options Menu

The FireDaemon Fusion menu provides easy access to a range of supplementary FireDaemon Fusion functions and interfaces.

The following table runs through the function of the items in the menu.

Global OptionsOpens the Global Options page.
DocumentationOpens the FireDaemon Fusion documentation at the following address:
LicenseDisplays the name of the FireDaemon Fusion licensed user. If unlicensed, it displays the number of days remaining in the FireDaemon Fusion trial period.
Buy NowThis option is visible only for the trial version of FireDaemon Fusion. It opens the FireDaemon Fusion pricing page.
Visit WebsiteOpens the website.
Log OutLogs out from the FireDaemon Fusion application.

Main Toolbar

The main toolbar contains buttons for the commonly used functions in the FireDaemon Fusion Services Manager. 

FireDaemon Services

The main toolbar appears at the top of the FireDaemon Services screen.

Built-in Windows Services

The main toolbar appears at the top of the System Services screen.

Main Toolbar Buttons

The following table explains the buttons found on both the FireDaemon and System Services toolbars.

NewCreates a new service.
StartStarts the selected service(s).
StopStops the selected service(s).
RestartRestarts the selected service(s).
DeleteDeletes / Uninstalls the selected service(s).
Start AllStarts all FireDaemon services.
Stop AllStops all FireDaemon services.
Restart AllRestarts all FireDaemon services.
Resume Selected ServicesResumes the selected services from the current Pause state.
Pause Selected ServicesPauses the selected services from the current Running state.

Service Details

The FireDaemon Fusion interface displays the list of FireDaemon Pro services and built-in Windows services on the system.

FireDaemon Services Panel

System Services Panel

Service Panel Columns

The columns contain the same information for both FireDaemon and System Services. The descriptions for this information are in the table below.

Service NameAn abbreviated or short name of the FireDaemon Pro service.

This name is the unique name by which the service is known in the Windows system.

Display NameA descriptive name of the service. By default, the service name is used in most screens. The display name appears in the Windows Services application.

This value can contain spaces and punctuation characters.

For FireDaemon services, the name is prefixed with the text "FireDaemon Service" by default. For Windows services, this is simply the service display name.

A tag for usage in grouping services. Either type a new tag or select an existing one from the drop-down list available by clicking the down arrow at the right side of the field.
DescriptionThe description of the service.

For FireDaemon services, this column will be blank if the description is not specified.
StatusThe current status of the FireDaemon service.

The status can be Running or Stopped.
Startup TypeThe startup type of service.

The type can be Automatic (Delayed Start), Automatic, Manual, Disabled.
Log On AsThe name of the user account under which the service is running.

The current status of the service's process.

The status can be Blank, Running, Scheduled, Frozen, or Failed.

PIDFor FireDaemon services, this is the process ID of the program being run by FireDaemon. For built-in Windows services, this is the process ID of the service.

The column is blank if the service is not running.

Additional Features and Functions in the Service Details Panel

The FireDaemon Fusion interface includes a range of additional features for performing various operations efficiently.

  • Select multiple services by holding the CTRL key while clicking the services on the list.
  • Right-click a service definition to display the context menu.
  • Click the column headings to sort columns in ascending or descending order.

Service Toolbar Buttons

In FireDaemon Fusion, when you position the mouse pointer over an existing service, the service toolbar appears, with buttons to perform various actions on the corresponding service.

FireDaemon Services Toolbar

Hover over a service on the FireDaemon Services panel to see the in-line toolbar.

System Services Toolbar

Hover over a service on the System Services panel to see the in-line toolbar.

Service Toolbar Buttons

The following table describes the functions of the buttons on the service toolbars for either FireDaemon or Windows services.

Starts the service.
Stops the service.
Restarts the service.
Opens the service's schedule page for editing.
Opens the service for editing.
Deletes the service.
Resumes a service that is currently in paused.
Pauses a service that is currently running.