The Environment tab is used to define environment variables that are passed into the service when it starts. This is particularly useful for Java and other applications that rely on a custom environment.

Note: The order in which environment variables are listed is significant. FireDaemo Pro evaluates these variables in top-down order.

For more information about environment variables, see Environment Variables.

The following table describes the fields provided on the Environment tab.

Promote (Up Arrow)Moves up (promotes) the environment variable to a higher position in the list of environment variables.
Demote (Down Arrow)Moves down (demotes) the environment variable to a lower position in the list of environment variables.
InsertInserts a new environment variable immediately above the current position in the list of environment variables.

The environment variable's name and value must be entered:

A variable's value can include other environment variables by enclosing them inside percentage (%) signs.

For example, if the name of the environment variable is CLASSPATH, the value could be
where PATH is another variable either present in the environment variables list or globally defined. In this case, the CLASSPATH variable inherits the value of the PATH variable.

  • Environment variables are evaluated in top-down order. 
  • The maximum length of an environment variable's name or value is 32KB.
  • Duplicate environment variables are allowed.
  • Empty environment variables (no defined value) are allowed.
AppendAdds a new environment variable immediately below the current position in the list of environment variables.
EditEdits the currently selected environment variable.

An environment variable can also be edited simply by double-clicking on its list entry.
RemoveDeletes the currently selected environment variable.

Note: The environment variable is immediately removed. No confirmation prompt is displayed.