CuteFTP is used to transfer files between computers and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers to publish web pages, download digital images, music, multi-media files and software, and transfer files of any size or type between home and office.
FireDaemon Pro. This allows you to start and run the application automatically when Windows boots and before login. FireDaemon Pro also allows you to start multiple instances of the application, monitoring them and automatically restarting those instances in the event they crash. FireDaemon Fusion can also be used to manage your CuteFTP service, plus other Windows services via your web browser.
CuteFTP Setup Under FireDaemon Pro
Step 1: Download CuteFTP
- Download and install CuteFTP from here.
Step 2: Configure CuteFTP
Run the application at least once to change any settings and set up your sites.

CuteFTP does not have any command line switches you can use to upload or download files. It's done through one of 3 ways, a Scripting language such as Visual Basic, Folder Monitor feature or Synchronize Folders tool (find more info here).
If you do not have any programming experience, you can still create scripts using the session Record and Playback functionality in CuteFTP. Run the record "Start Recording" option, connect to your site and do what you need done and then click "Stop Recording". A script file containing everything you did will be created. Save it to the directory of your choice. For the purpose of this guide, we will store the script in C:\CuteFTP Scripts.
Choice A: Set Up CuteFTP Script as a FireDaemon Pro Service
Download and install FireDaemon Pro. Double click the FireDaemon Pro icon on your desktop, then click on the New (i.e. +) button in the toolbar (or type Ctrl + N) to create a new service.:
Next, click on the FireDaemon Pro Settings tab:
Enter appropriate values in the fields on the Settings tab as follows:
- (Required) Logon Account: Enter the Windows account under which the application is to be run, e.g. the current user account.
- Password / Confirm Password: Enter the logon account's password twice.
- (Optional) Interact with Desktop: If this setting is enabled (default), the application's output messages can be seen in the console window on Windows Session 0. To switch to Session 0, it may be necessary to install FireDaemon Zero and ZeroInput. Alternatively, this setting may be disabled, in which case the application's messages will be hidden.
- (Optional) Priority: To allocate more CPU time to the application, select a higher scheduling priority in this field.
- (Optional) CPU Bindings: To run the application on a specific CPU, specify the appropriate CPU in this field.
Next, click on the Lifecycle tab. Set Shutdown By to Forceful Termination.
Verify that the CuteFTP Script is Running Correctly
CuteFTP Script's status can easily be checked on the main FireDaemon Pro Services List - look for a Running Status value and a numeric Process ID (PID) value.
If the service's Interact with Desktop setting is enabled, CuteFTP status can also be verified by switching to Windows Session 0 to view CuteFTP's messages.
Choice B: Set Up Cute FTP with Folder Monitor Feature or Synchronize Folders Tool as a FireDaemon Pro Service
Download and install FireDaemon Pro. Double click the FireDaemon Pro icon on your desktop, then click on the New (i.e. +) button in the toolbar (or type Ctrl + N) to create a new service.:
Next, click on the FireDaemon Pro Settings tab:
Enter appropriate values in the fields on the Settings tab as follows:
- (Required) Job Type: You must set the job type to "Global Job".
- (Required) Logon Account: Enter the Windows account under which the application is to be run, e.g. the current user account.
- Password / Confirm Password: Enter the logon account's password twice.
- (Optional) Interact with Desktop: If this setting is enabled (default), the application's output messages can be seen in the console window on Windows Session 0. To switch to Session 0, it may be necessary to install FireDaemon Zero and ZeroInput. Alternatively, this setting may be disabled, in which case the application's messages will be hidden.
- (Optional) Priority: To allocate more CPU time to the application, select a higher scheduling priority in this field.
- (Optional) CPU Bindings: To run the application on a specific CPU, specify the appropriate CPU in this field.
Next, click on the Lifecycle tab. Set Shutdown By to Forceful Termination.
Verify that CuteFTP is Running Correctly
CuteFTP's status can easily be checked on the main FireDaemon Pro Services List - look for a Running Status value and a numeric Process ID (PID) value.
If the service's Interact with Desktop setting is enabled, CuteFTP status can also be verified by switching to Windows Session 0 to view CuteFTP's messages.