IndigoMail Windows is the Windows version of the popular Linux email application named Sendmail. The application can be run as a Post-Service using FireDaemon so that you receive alerts via email when a service fails. FireDaemon Pro will allow you to have the application start automatically when a service fails, start multiple instances of the application and more. This HOWTO will show you how to set it up. You can also use FireDaemon Fusion to manage FireDaemon and other Windows services via a web browser.

IndigoMail Setup Under FireDaemon Pro

In this HOWTO we will use the calc.exe application and configure IndigoMail to send an email whenever the application fails and restarts. Download the latest IndigoMail files from the IndigoMail website.

By default Indigomail installs to C:\sendmail so for the purposes of this guide, we will use that directory.

IndigoMail uses one configuration file to store its settings. It is called "sendmail.ini" and it's located in the IndigoMail program directory. Open "sendmail.ini" and configure your email server settings. You should also create a file named "msg.txt" in the IndigoMail program directory. Enter the text of the message you would like to send in this text file.

Now download and install FireDaemon Pro into the directory of your choice, typically C:\Program Files\FireDaemon.

Next, start the FireDaemon GUI from the desktop shortcut. Click on the "Create a new service definition" button in the toolbar (or type Ctrl+N) and enter the information into the fields as you see below. Adjust the paths to suit your installation.

  • Executable: The path to the application you wish to track and receive alerts for. In this example, we are tracking the Windows calculator application. That path is C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe
  • Working Directory: The path to the folder that contains your application. In this example, the working directory is C:\Windows\System32
  • Parameters: None. Leave this field blank.

Now visit the "Pre / Post-Service" tab. Select Insert in the "Post-Service Programs" section toward the bottom. Enter the paths to the executable and working directory to IndigoMail.

  • Executable: The path to your sendmail.exe file. For the purposes of this HOWTO, the path is C:\sendmail\sendmail.exe.
  • Working Directory: The directory containing your sendmail.exe file. For the purposes of this HOWTO, the path is C:\sendmail.
  • Parameters: Enter (and edit as necessary): -messagefile=msg.txt -subject="This is the subject" [email protected]. This example will send a message with the subject "This is the subject" and body containing the text of the msg.txt file to the [email protected] address.
  • Execution Time: The default (3000 ms) is typically fine. Adjust this to suit your preferences.
  • Run Program: Select "After Event" from the options.
  • Run Detached: Leave this option unchecked.

Most of the IndigoMail settings are specified in your sendmail.ini file. You can override settings already specified in the parameters. See IndigoMail's documentation for a full parameter list.

Click OK to save your post-service event and view it in your Pre/Post Service menu.

Note: If you are configuring multiple services that need to send emails, you will need to specify a different text file for each one.

Now click on the OK button to save your settings and start IndigoMail!


If emails fail to send, check that you did not make a typo in the "sendmail.ini" file. Also, check your post-service parameters for IndigoMail. If they still fail to send, you may need to open TDP port 25 on your firewall.