MariaDB is a relational database management system. The server can be run as a Windows service using FireDaemon Pro, which allows you to have the server start automatically at boot prior to login, start multiple instances of the server and more. This HOWTO shows you how to set it up. You can also use Fusion to manage FireDaemon and other Windows services via a web browser.
MariaDB Setup Under FireDaemon Pro
Download the latest stable version of MariaDB from the official website. We recommend the .msi file for ease of installation.
Install MariaDB. By default it installs to C:\Program Files\MariaDB x.x. We will use this directory for the purposes of this HOWTO. Replace x.x with the version of MariaDB that you're running.
If you want full MariaDB functionality, then leave the defaults checked when selecting what to install. You may enable or disable specific features for installation here.
On the User Settings window, select a root password. Make it as secure as you possibly can (12 characters recommended with numbers, letters and symbols). In order to safely shut down your MySQL server you will also need to create a new user that just has shutdown as a global privilege. Take note of the password as you will need it later in this HOWTO.
MariaDB Server comes with its own Windows Service. Make sure not to install MariaDB as a Windows service by unchecking "Install as service".
Once you've finished installing MariaDB, download and install FireDaemon Pro into the directory of your choice, typically C:\Program Files\FireDaemon. FireDaemon Pro can be downloaded from the FireDaemon website here.
Next start the FireDaemon GUI from the desktop shortcut. Click on the "Create a new service definition" button in the toolbar (or type Ctrl+N) and enter the information into the fields as you see below. Adjust the paths to suit your installation. Pay special attention to the Parameters list.
- Executable: The path to your mysqld.exe file. For the purposes of this HOWTO, the default path is C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.1\bin\mysqld.exe.
- Working Directory: The directory containing your mysqld.exe file. For the purposes of this HOWTO, the default path is C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.1\bin.
The most important field on the tab is the Parameters. The Parameters define the initial setup of your MySQL server.
Here’s the full parameter list you should have:
--defaults-file="C:\Program Files\Maria DB x.x\data\my.ini"
- "--defaults-file" Loads the my.ini config from a directory. The directory above is the default one. If you changed it during installation, you will have to change it here too.
Now click on the Settings tab. If you DON'T want to see MariaDB running, uncheck the Interact with Desktop check box & select "Hidden" from the "Show Window" dropdown. Make sure to select "Global Job" from the Job Type dropdown. You can optionally run the MariaDB server as the user you installed it as. In the Logon Account field type your username (e.g. Administrator) and then enter the user's password twice in the Password and Confirm fields. You can change the Process Priority to allocate more CPU time to MariaDB or specify which CPU or core MariaDB will run on, in the case of multi-processor, hyperthreaded or multi-core CPUs.
Now click on the Lifecycle tab. Make sure both Graceful Shutdown and Console Application are selected. Set "Maximum Shutdown Delay" to a high number. Here we have it set to 5 minutes (300000 ms). Your database might need a longer period to shut down.
Now click on the Pre/Post-Service tab. Here is where to create a service to shut down MariaDB properly. Enter the following into the Post Service section:
- Executable: The path to your mysqladmin.exe file. For the purposes of this HOWTO, the path is C:\Program Files\MariaDB X.X\bin\mysqladmin.exe
- Working Directory: The directory containing your mysqladmin.exe file. For the purposes of this HOWTO, the path is C:\Program Files\MariaDB X.X\bin
- Parameters: -u USER -pPASSWORD -P 3306 shutdown
- Execution Time: 300000
- Run Program: Before Event
- Run Detached: [Checked]
Be sure to edit USER and PASSWORD to reflect the username and password for the user with shutdown privileges. Change 3306 to the port MariaDB is using if you changed the default port during installation.
Now click OK to finish setup and start MariaDB!
Database Management
There are four ways you can use to create and manage your databases.
- Command line: This can be fast for repetitive things but it does have a learning curve and isn't the easiest thing to do.
- HeidiSQL: This is a desktop application that can be run locally on one's computer. It may be installed with MariaDB during installation. You will need remote desktop or physical access to the computer to use it.
- PhpMyAdmin: This is a web based manager but it requires you to set up a web server with PHP. It's also a security risk because hackers can brute force hack their way into your database (since the database can be managed remotely through a web browser).
- sqlYOG: It's a desktop application that gives you complete control over your databases and since its not accessible from the internet, you're protected against brute force password hacks! You will need remote desktop or physical access to the computer to use it though. You can download the free version here.