Windows comes with a set of service control utilities that can make running FireDaemon Pro services easier. Here are a few examples.

sc.exe is a Windows command line program that allows you to communicate with the Service Control Manager and services. sc.exe has a multitude of options. sc.exe also allows you to control services on other machines. Type sc /help at a command prompt to get a complete list. Here's a simple example:

sc \\RemoteServer start MyService

net.exe is a command line program that ships with Windows that allows you to control services at a command prompt or out of a batch script. The relevant syntax of net.exe is below:

net pause <service>      Pauses a service
net start <service>      Displays a list of currently running services or starts a specified service
net stop <service>       Stops a specified service

<service> can be the service's Short Name or its quoted Display Name. For more information about net.exe, go to a command prompt and type: net /help.

This tool displays a list of currently running processes on either a local or remote machine. It is useful to work out which PIDs are associated with various services. For example:

tasklist /svc