Running regular Windows applications as Windows Services is relatively straightforward with FireDaemon Pro. You should always be aware of limitations and take into account special considerations when running interactive applications on Session 0 under FireDaemon Pro control. The KB and manual articles below should be reviewed carefully to understand the specifics of running interactive Windows services, Session 0 and Session 0 Isolation.

What is Session 0 Isolation? What do I need to know about it?

This technical article covers all aspects of Session 0, Session 0 Isolation, Interactive Services, and limitations you might face when deploying interactive applications under FireDaemon Pro control.

Keyboard and Mouse Does Not Work on Session 0 on Windows 10, 11, Server 2016, 2019, 2022 

The keyboard and mouse do not work on Session 0 on all recent versions of Microsoft Windows. Functionality can be restored with FireDaemon Zero and ZeroInput.

Interactive Services Removed On Windows 10, 11, Server 2019, 2022 

The Interactive Services Detection Service has been removed from all recent versions of Microsoft Windows. Functionality can be restored with FireDaemon Zero and ZeroInput.

Manually Enabling Interactive Services, Interactive Service Detection, and Session 0

Here we show you how to enable Interactive Services and Interactive Service Detection by hand.

Automating Keystrokes and Mouse Clicks on Session 0

It is possible with AutoIt ...

FireDaemon Zero

FireDaemon Zero allows you to switch back and forth between your logged-in Windows desktop session and Session 0.

FireDaemon ZeroInput

FireDaemon ZeroInput is our free driver that restores keyboard and mouse input on Session 0 on Windows 10 Version 1803 or later, Server 2016 and Server 2019.