You can change the ports and IP addresses that FireDaemon Fusion looks for in the Options section of the computer whose settings you wish to change.

  1. In the Computers Connected area of the left side, select the computer whose settings you wish to change.
  2. Select the Options tab in the computer's viewing area.
  3. Select the IP addresses you wish to use in the IPv4 binding area.
  4. Next to Connection Port, enter the port number you wish to use.
  5. Save your settings and restart FireDaemon Fusion.

Note that you must set up the port locally on your host machine. You can access FireDaemon remotely by using the remote IP address and the port you wish to use while logged in locally.

Alternately, you can edit the FusionServices.xml file at an elevated command prompt in the FireDaemon Fusion directory. Include a port in the <Port></Port> section of the file. Save your settings and restart FireDaemon Fusion at an elevated command prompt.