N: New I: Improvement F: Fix S: Security

* 3.2.6 September 2024
  I Added keyboard mnemonics
  I Text capitalisation corrections
  I Toolchain update

* 3.2.5 April 2024
  F Regular users could not run Zero due to incorrect NTFS ACLs emitted by the installer
  F CLI crash after every command

* 3.2.4 March 2024
  I Installer checks the product certificate chain
  I Installer forces upgrade into the same install directory


* 3.2.2-3.2.3 December 2023
  S SBoM included in About dialog
  I Changed wording in error messages for clarity: "Can't" -> "Cannot"
  F Corrected registration of Eventlog message file
  F Installer accidentally shipped with two Core DLL files
  F Zero OEM did not register the Eventlog message file
  F Correct Eventlog Category ID for "Other Logon/Logoff" events

* 3.2.0-3.2.1 October 2023
  N FireDaemon Zero will warn you against switching to Session 0 if ZeroInput is not installed or not running properly
  I Simplified Windows installer experience

* 3.1.0 July 2023
  N Support for Legacy Console Mode for the Localsystem account
  I Installer dialog shows information about creating the UI0Detect service and how to download ZeroInput
  F Zero Explorer would crash when launching programs such as eventvwr.exe on Session 0 from the Session 0 cmd.exe console
  F Installer showed a "File in use" dialog when upgrading

* 3.0.4 June 2023
  I Replaced "old style" licensing dialog in retail installer
  I Included service name in Session 0 Zero Task Tray
  F Zero OEM packaged incorrect binaries
  F Spurious service timeout of UI0Detect service at system startup

* 3.0.3 May 2023
  I Removed dependency on Visual Studio C++ Runtime
  I Updated online documentation URL
  I FDUI0Control command line binary renamed to FDUI0CLI for consistency

* 3.0.0-3.0.2 - May 2023
  N 64-bit only
  N Hardware-based code signing
  N ZeroInput extended error reporting
  N Session 0 context menu changes
  N Advanced Installer MSI installer

* 2.6.4 - April 2023
  I Zero installs on Windows 11 again :) Please use ZeroInput on Windows 11

* 2.6.3 - November 2022
  I Toolchain update
  I Digital signature update

* 2.6.2 - October 2022
  I Product intentionally no longer installs on Windows 11

* 2.6.1 - March 2021
  N Automatic return from Session 0 inactivity timeout
  I License expiry type displayed for all license types (trial, perpetual, time-limited) 
  F License dialog crash

* 2.5.11 - January 2021
  I Additional command-line licensing command

* 2.5.10 - December 2020
  N User guide URLs
  I Servicing release (VC++ 16.8 build)

* 2.5.9 - October 2020
  I Recognises ZeroInput reporting HVCI is enabled
  F Silent install licensing didn't work

* 2.5.8 - September 2020
  I Opt-in via Global Preference of Taskbar notifications
  I Updated README
  F Additional check to fix spurious tray app crash
* 2.5.5+2.5.6+2.5.7 - August 2020
  N FireDaemon ZeroInput API version crosscheck
  N OEM: new configure / deconfigure CLI options
  I Shell background colour in RGB hex
  I OEM: removed support for SysWow64
  F OEM: tray app and control program fail gracefully if not configured

* 2.5.4 - February 2020
  N Taskbar (balloon) notifications can be disabled
  N You can specify product preference on command line during silent installation
  N Extended command line preferences to include all preferences

* 2.5.3 - October 2019
  F Installer didn't display FireDaemon logo on initial installation
  F Zero might crash in trial mode
  F Zero OEM package missing DLL

* 2.5.2 - October 2019
  F Zero Tray didn't start when you logged in
  F About dialog cropped when DPI > 100%

* 2.5.1 - September 2019
  F Zero would always return from Session 0 after 30-seconds
  F Session 0 text and desktop colour did not display on later builds of Windows 10 / Server 2019
  F Installer "Setup Complete" dialog layout issues at 250% DPI

* 2.5.0 - June 2019
  N Installer creates UI0Detect service if not present
  N Installer prompts to download ZeroInput if UI0Detect created

* 2.0.17 - May 2019
  N Zero 32-bit can no longer be installed on 64-bit systems
  I Updated ReadMe
  I Updated EULA
* 2.0.16 - January 2019
  F Incorrect paths in Zero OEM FDZero.reg file

* 2.0.15 - October 2018
  N Support for Server 2019
  N Platform information included in About dialog
  F License keys with ampersands didn't display in application menu

* 2.0.14 - September 2018
  I Shared license key storage location for 32-bit and 64-bit versions
  F 32-bit installer would always fail on 64-bit systems

* 1.3.2 - July 2017
  I Updated EULA
  I Compiled on new toolchain
  F License check code could get CPU intensive in trial mode

* 1.3.1 - May 2017
  F x86 installer would not install on x64 systems

* 1.3.0 - February 2017
  N License information now hidden for non-admin users
  N Large icon for balloon tooltip in notification area
  N Command line silent install can include license info
  N Can steal Session 0 control from another user
  N Can kill and query orphaned Session 0 sessions with
    FDUI0Control -k --query
  I Installer explicitly refuses to install on Server Core
  F License trial expiry day count did not count down
  F Tray app might disappear when reverting from Session 0
    or when logging in via RDP
  F Could not switch back from Session 0 if product expired
  F UI0Detect service now has path to executable quoted
  F Tray app would not be started in disconnected sessions
  F Sometimes not all tray apps would close when uninstalling
  F Desktop text reads "Windows Server 2016" instead
    of "Windows 10" on Server 2016

* 1.2.3 - May 2016
  I Includes updated MS VC Runtime
  I Cleanup links in installer README
  I Installer and binary digital signatures have SHA2 timestamp
  F Remove IE11 DLL dependency
  F Fix pinning of items on Windows 8/8.1 Metro desktop

* 1.2.2 - March 2016
  I Updated Visual Studio C++ 2015 runtime
  F Retail installer would attempt to upgrade pre-existing
    Visual C++ 2015 runtime. Mayhem ensued.
* 1.2.1 - February 2016
  I Signed with new SHA2 certificate
  I Simplified installation maintenance dialogs
  I Updated installer verbiage
  I Updated third-party libraries to boost 1.60 and
    WTL 9.1.5321
  I Properly redirect output of FDUI0Control.exe to console
  I Improve output of FDUI0Control.exe in case of errors
  I Stream output of FDUI0Control.exe into MSI log file
  F Various Visual C++ Runtime detection issues during install
* 1.2.0 - November 2015
  N Tool tray tooltip notification balloons
  N Command line --registration option
  N SHA256 Authenticode cert
  I Update and corrections to online Users Guide
  I If incorrect license key is applied mouse pointer is a "X"
  I Product versioning includes Git hash
  F Installer would tell you you needed to reboot on upgrade
    when you didn't
  F Task Manager doesn't work on Session 0 in Windows 8/2012
    onwards so excluded from right click menu

* 1.1.0 - October 2015
  N Ability to show system tray icons for apps running under
    other user accounts
  N Display application icons next to application title in
    task bar
  N We wrote a User's Guide!
  F 32-bit and 64-bit product could be installed side by side
  F If current foreground app window updated its title,
    Session 0 task bar loost selection
  F Removed "File in use message" when uninstalling product
  F Product would cover already running application windows
    in Session 0 when starting
  F Various licensing dialogue display issues

* 1.0.3 - September 2015
  I Re-enables the viewer if you repair the installation
  F Mis-named MSI in x86 install

* 1.0.2 - September 2015
  N InstallShield installer which deploys VS 2015 runtime
  N Product trial expiry warning on both logged in session and
    Session 0
  N Desktop graphic now says "Session 0"
  I Task Manager menu item disabled on Windows Server 2012 R2
    and Windows 10 because it won't run on Session 0
  I Automatic 30 second session revert on Windows 10 as
    as keyboard and mouse doesn't work due to a bug in
    Windows 10

* 1.0.1 - August 2015
  N Production release with licensing

* 1.0.0 - July 2015
  N Initial Release